Doğuş Uluslararası Yardımlaşma Derneği

About Us Dogus International Social Aid And Economic Cooperation Association

Dogus International Social Aid And Economic Cooperation Association; was established on noble principles such as peace, harmony, indulgence, sorority and equality. It was launched by businesspeople in 2020.


We aim to make life more livable by embracing the Dogus cooperation and solidarity vision and lead an honorable life based on social aid and sharing to help out each other.


In our century where affection and indulgence based relationships such as helping and supporting which comprise the main dynamics of social life are almost extinct, we are in a period where we face social issues concerning all the members and all the segments of the society including the disabled, abandoned and poor, primarily children, women and the young. We bear a tremendous responsibility; reaching out to several kinds of people that are in need of goodness and unaware of goodness and bringing them goodness.

Doğuş Unity Let's Come Together to Make a Difference

Food aid
Medical assistance
Doğuş Uluslararası Yardımlaşma Derneği

The founding purpose of our association is to make the sense of mutual economic and social solidarity and help others permanent.


It was founded with the mentality of volunteering and service to increase social solidarity and provide economic welfare by providing help to those who are in need of help in public.

Doğuş Uluslararası Yardımlaşma Derneği

Dogus is a nongovernmental organization that embraced the vision of contributing to society and protecting the social rights of humanity with the sacred sense of responsibility it holds.

Helping other people We Dream of Creating a Bright Future for Poor Children

I have questions Frequently Asked Questions

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How can I become a member?

Persons who want to become a member of Doğuş make a written application to the association and the board of directors of the association decides whether to accept or reject membership applications within 30 days at the latest, and the result is notified to the applicant.

How Can I Volunteer?

You can fill out the Volunteer Application Form on Doğuş's corporate website and specify the areas where you can voluntarily support our work. You can also get information about our volunteer work and register by calling 0549 619 42 56.

Will my contributions be shared?

It will be shared upon your request.

Can I Attend Your Events?

You can participate in all our events that are not limited to people.

Can We Develop Joint Projects?

Yes, we can improve.